
2021-07-05  作者: 
全球十大惊险刺激的丛林之旅排行榜_排行榜123网。     “上车睡觉,下车拍照”的旅游是否让你觉得乏味?惊险刺激的丛林大冒险定带给你全新体验!下面排行榜123网为您盘点十次惊心动魄的世界各地丛林之旅。   全球十...




科科达径是一段漫长的旅程,也是越越欧文利山的路线,到了南部小镇观光的两半,部分沿途难受,还有96个小湿,连绵绵长的距离。 此地旅行需要9天时间,期间要跋山涉水,经常瓢泼大雨,而时还需在泥地里匍匐前进。沿途山谷如画的风景虽然可以专注,但也无法抹去的艰难。



全球十大惊险刺激的丛林之旅TOP2:飞索 苦难角昆士兰州,澳大利亚




全球十大惊险刺激的丛林之旅TOP3:山地自行车骑行 Chi Phat,柬埔寨

Riding a mountain bike through the jungle is also a different experience. When walking through, you can step on the forest carpet that has been piled up for many years and listen to the sound of the fallen leaves. During the ride, you can only choose the path with fewer leaves, but you can see the jungle on the bike. Becomes extraordinarily different. There are 12 kilometers of short-distance cycling, and there are also more difficult 42 kilometers of cycling routes, which are difficult and easy to choose. Even camp in the jungle. The forest trails along the way are rugged and winding, but the end is well worth reaching-there are mountains, mangroves, and waterfalls. Located in the Cardamom Mountains, the jungle is the largest rainforest reserve in Southeast Asia. It was established by the Wildlife Association, a non-governmental organization, in 2007 to provide local residents with a stable source of income and enhance the natural landscape of the region.


全球十大惊险刺激的丛林之旅TOP4:穿越丛林去冲浪 G-Land Alas Purwo,印度尼西亚











全球十大惊险刺激的丛林之旅TOP7:猩猩之旅 Dzanga-Sangha自然保护区,中非




2012 年的世界末日并未实现,但蒂卡尔的遗迹确实证明玛雅人在建筑方面仍然相当成功。他们知道如何在丛林高处建造寺庙。在寺庙的上方,你可以看到独特的景观。



全球十大惊险刺激的丛林之旅TOP9:火山攀登 阿雷纳尔,哥斯达黎加

Arenal is the youngest and most active volcano in Costa Rica. Traveling through the jungle and climbing this volcano that may erupt at any time is really a big adventure.


全球十大惊险刺激的丛林之旅TOP10:激流漂流 亚马逊,厄瓜多尔

The Amazon jungle can be said to be the "father of the jungle." The best way to appreciate it is to take a boat through its center. It is a good choice to start with the white water rafting in the upper reaches of the Amazon River. After drifting to a flat place downstream, you can change to a canoe. Finally, you can go to see those jungle animals that you have heard of, such as monkeys, snakes, tapirs, ocelots and so on.