孕妇缺锌怎么补 孕妇补锌食谱精选推荐

2021-08-13  作者: zhao
孕妇缺锌怎么补 孕妇补锌食谱精选推荐。孕妇缺锌怎么补?妊娠早期缺锌,会出现新生儿出生缺陷。研究还发现,患有先天性心脏病,如室间隔缺损、主动脉狭窄及尿道下裂、睾丸发育不良(如隐睾)、骨骼及肾脏畸形、先天性中枢神经系统畸形等缺陷的新生儿,其母亲妊娠期血液中锌水平明显低于分娩正常胎儿的孕妇。并指出,锌缺...

How to make up for zinc deficiency in pregnant women? Zinc deficiency in early pregnancy can cause birth defects in newborns. The study also found that newborns with congenital heart diseases such as ventricular septal defect, aortic stenosis and hypospadias, testicular dysplasia (such as cryptorchidism), bone and kidney malformations, and congenital central nervous system malformations, etc. The mother's blood zinc level during pregnancy was significantly lower than that of pregnant women who gave birth to normal fetuses.

他还指出,缺锌对新生儿畸形的影响并不是分娩时缺锌的结果,很可能早在受孕或胚胎早期就受到影响。观察孕妇血锌水平的下降,发现血清锌浓度在妊娠20天左右开始下降,以20-60天左右下降幅度最大,之后下降速度减慢.然而,胚胎发生和分化过程中对致畸剂最敏感的器官形成期也在怀孕 20-60 天左右。因此,认为人体器官形成过程中血清锌水平的急剧下降,必然会增加胚胎对致畸因素影响的敏感性,从而增加胎儿先天性畸形和自然流产的可能性。

At the Chinese Nutrition Society Maternal and Child Nutrition Symposium (1986), Professor Chen Xuecun from the Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine proposed that the lack of zinc in the fetus will affect brain development, affect intelligence, produce low weight, and even deformity. To



What are the foods for zinc supplements?


2. Plant fruits have a high nut content, such as peanuts, walnuts, etc.,



5. Foods rich in zinc mainly include animal lean meat. According to laboratory tests, animal foods generally contain more zinc. Each 100 grams of animal foods contains about 3-5 mg of zinc, and animal protein is decomposed. The amino acids produced can also promote the absorption of zinc. Plant-based foods contain less zinc. Approximately 1 milligram of zinc is contained in every 100 grams of plant-based foods.


1. 桂圆猪心

Nutritional analysis: The best way to supplement zinc is food supplement. Longan pig heart can not only supplement rich zinc for pregnant mothers, but also has the effects of nourishing blood, nourishing qi, strengthening spleen and appetizing.



2. Boil the pig's heart in water, cool it, and then add longan meat, ginger slices and appropriate amount of water;

3. Turn to low heat and cook for good taste.




1. Cut the squid, take out the ink sac, peel off the skin, cut off the internal organs and rinse it;



4. Pour the squid into the pot and stir-fry quickly, then add white vinegar, cooking wine, and cumin to fry the squid thoroughly.

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