怀孕35天内吃药没事吗 需要注意事项很多请提早学习

2021-08-20  作者: zhao
怀孕35天内吃药没事吗 需要注意事项很多请提早学习。怀孕是一件天大的事情,备孕期间一定要做到稳操胜算再怀孕。因为怀孕期间可能会发生意外,所谓意外当然是无法预知的。众所周知,怀孕期间坚决不能私自服用药物,那么如果怀孕35天内吃药会没事吗?怀孕期间不能吃药,是常识。成年人都应该掌握一些医学常识和孕期常...



Take medicine within 35 days of pregnancy


2. The 35th day of pregnancy belongs to the first trimester. This period is the critical period for fetal teratogenesis, because at this time the embryonic organs are differentiated and formed, and it is easy to be affected by drugs or other factors to cause fetal malformations.



Such as some antibiotics, hormone drugs. The last type X drugs are definitely prohibited drugs for pregnant women. These drugs basically contain hormones or are anti-cancer drugs. Therefore, you may as well diagnose yourself at home what level of medicine you are taking.


Causes your body to be more sensitive, so a little accident, including a little medication, may lead to a miscarriage or Al malformation of the fetus, so you should never use medication privately during pregnancy.



During pregnancy, you must be cautious in certain aspects, because it is not only related to the health of the fetus, but also related to the health of the pregnant woman, and all those who care about you.