什么bb霜适合19岁的学生用 好用不贵的bb霜推荐

2021-08-20  作者: zhao
什么bb霜适合19岁的学生用 好用不贵的bb霜推荐。BB霜是大家都很熟悉的一种底妆产品,在平时生活中经常看到有人使用BB霜,BB霜可以均匀提亮肤色肤色,让整个人看起来更精神,皮肤更加无暇精致。什么bb霜适合19岁的学生用1、谜尚红管BB霜十分白菜的BB霜,而且有着很出色的延展性与遮瑕性,只要不失...


What bb cream is suitable for 19-year-old students


The BB cream is very cabbage, and it has excellent extensibility and concealment. As long as the big blemishes are not lost, it can basically cover well. The cost performance is very high, and the texture is very delicate and smooth, and novices can easily use it.



3. Yalijie extremely dense BB cream


4. Water code BB cream


What bb cream is suitable for 19-year-old students 好用不贵的bb霜推荐


The first one: Sekkisei BB cream

包装简洁,没有包装雪肌精,包裹的很好。 ,太阳值还是很不错的,可以满足日常出行的需求,成分里面有很多天然植物精华,天然呵护皮肤,不刺激,无添加剂,可以保护旁边的东方珍珠的伤害,旁边呵护细管口设计,控制用量方便,也避免了皮肤和卫生膏体的过度接触而导致不上。没上妆前,黄颜色,视力明显偏偏,稀稀,有淡淡的光泽,很好推开,对混合遍皮很友好,遮瑕效果不是特别明显,遮瑕这么皮,一点都不厚,重点首选啊,脸上斑点重的妹子多建议涂,欣赏一下,白了一个度左右,凯尔非常好自然状态,有提亮肤色的感觉,很满是亚光,不会看起来一脸油光面,相当的自然。谦,还有防晒,保质期超长,喜欢娇媚,混合皮 油皮,喜欢裸妆的妹子,这造型非常适合日常出行的,好像是泡泡一瓶,但自己可以用一整年。

The second paragraph: Yinpalan True Self Rejuvenating Roller BB Cream

这是一款滚动气垫BB霜,可裸妆遮瑕控油提亮,也是粉底液化妆保湿隔离,颜色是护肤色,就是自然色。 茵芭兰真我焕彩休颜霜,这是第一次用滚轮bb肯定是很方便的。产地韩国,含量30ml,够用一年了吧,平时都是裸装,可以用很久的。 滚轮BB可以轻松遮盖瑕疵,一层底妆即可打造完美水光肌,然而小仙女们的气垫粉霜,怎么一层层地拍打脸上,都还是有明显瑕疵,滚轮BB妆感特别清透持久特别是夏天流汗出油,也绝对不会导致花妆。独特的滚轮设计,无论你用于脸部还是颈部,都能既快速又均匀地滚开,为什么大面积刷墙,用的不是刷子也不是手,而是滚轮呢?因为滚轮刷的效率~柔柔的刷子,一滚快速细滑上妆,滚走粗大毛孔痘印,滚出润泽无暇水光妆感;滚动海绵头,快速上妆,延展性佳,上妆比普通粉扑更均匀,轻松滚涂,妆容水润细致;轻轻按压,用量随心控制,不用担心粉霜太多而花妆。这是一个按钮,每次要上妆的时候轻轻一按就可以了。 独特的新概念滚轴设计让BB霜更完美服帖的附着在皮肤上,BB霜和皮肤浑然一体。妆感更轻盈均匀自然!独特的滚动刷头设计,遮瑕性更强,让粗大毛孔细纹斑点消失无影,适合任何肤质的妹妹使用哦!拒绝那种死人白的卡粉BB妆感浓厚一脸的劣质风尘味而滚,BB在超级自然的基础上遮瑕效果又能做到这么好~滚走痘印肌、暗沉肌、斑点肌、粗毛孔;植物的吸湿分子,强烈的吸湿性,能为肌肤提供大量水分且遇水不掉妆,清爽不黏腻,持久防水防汗;既能够提亮肤色,看起来精神十足,肌肤有不会有负担,还含有护肤成分。


It's really amazing. The color doesn't look dark when it is squeezed out, but the upper face is just right, there is a fragrance, it is a powdery taste, I quite like it, not the pungent fragrance. Using this color number is a nude makeup look. The skin texture looks natural and white and the texture is particularly good. It fits my skin tone better, so the concealer is also good. Of course, I have also found very strange problems before, but when I change the base makeup, my face will have a sense of adaptation for a day or two, probably because I have become accustomed to the color of the previous base makeup. This is my own feeling, but this seems to fit better for the first time. When I applied BB, the previous procedure was normal skin care foundation and then added sunscreen, and then I started to apply this BB. The texture is neither very thin nor thick. It has a moderately thick feeling and is very shiny and delicate. I make a primer. When I applied a face cream and sunscreen directly, it was not stuck at all. This moisturizer feels very good. It is a semi-matte makeup face. It really fits the current season too. After using up, the skin is soft and has a soft focus. It should be bright in the sun, slightly A bit of transparent color, and the concealment is relatively good because there are no spots on the face. 7788 can also cover some small blemishes, but I guess that relatively serious blemishes are not very good. Of course, many concealers can't cover serious blemish skin, let alone BB and CC. A good base makeup is to create a delicate and natural skin texture instead of painting the wall. This BB cream is also It's long lasting, wear makeup to go to work, go home from get off work and take a look. My skin is a little oily, but I feel the makeup looks better and I fall in love with myself.


After taking the air cushion, I did not apply concealer and set makeup. The color number 1w1 is really not suitable for me. The color on my face and neck is layered. I hope that it will be better if I hold the makeup longer. Yellow 2 white, but the face has always been more than the neck. White, so a darker shade will suit me better. The main focus of this cushion is durability and high concealment. After the face is applied, the blemishes are still concealed. There is no big problem if you look up close, but the pore modification ability is really average, and you can see large pores on the nose. It’s very ugly, and I don’t know if it’s not compatible with my skin care products. The cushion is already mottled after applying it. But after being dull, I was still paler than my face. I really couldn't get used to the whitest number. My mother asked me how my face was white today. Some say that the whitest number will be dull, but that is still for the white skin. The mottled areas are more mottled, but the other areas are okay. They are slightly oily and have good makeup holding ability. After 8 hours of applying makeup, my nose is very oily and oily. The areas around my mouth that are easy to take off also start to take off. The ability to cover blemishes It is also slightly lowered, but it is good compared to other liquid foundations. The makeup will not take off very scary, but it is really mottled and mottled. The makeup effect is really ugly at close-up. I am disappointed. I hope that after setting the makeup, it will run well. A little


宝贝包装是很美式的花朵图案,色彩清淡又透露一点小清新。打开包装是镜面的外壳,闪耀动人。 我是混合偏干肤质,下午1点上妆,晚上10点卸妆,为了测试持妆效果中间没有补妆。带妆一直没有感觉到干,鼻头出油掉粉比较严重,唇上和鼻翼两侧因为出油略微浮粉(可能和我最后没有散粉定妆也有关系),两颊几乎完美。 由于我本身没有毛孔粗大问题,所以不能测试出毛孔遮盖的效果,但是我有肤色不匀的情况,两颊皮肤薄有轻微的红血丝情况,上妆后完美遮盖,当然黑眼圈和色斑还是要靠遮瑕另外遮盖。 总体来说因为不是适合我的色号,所以妆效我不太满意,但从适合肤色的妹子角度考虑,还是比较适合喜欢哑光妆面的妹子的,就是油性肤质妹子上妆前记得做好控油,然后T区出油记得及时补妆

The sixth paragraph: Zheng Mingming cushion BB cream

郑明明雪肌无暇粉凝霜,刚才的时候是纸箱包装,很严实,打开产品没有任何破坏,一盒正装,一盒替换装,一个替换粉扑,两张眼膜,黑色的包装看起来还是比较打开粉凝霜,看到上面是粉扑,下面是粉凝霜,粉扑和送的替换粉扑一样的。霜有一层密封纸,揭开就和平时用的气垫差不多。皮肤的皮肤,个人感觉肤色还可以,就是有黑眼圈,晒斑等小瑕疵。 增加了一点粉凝霜,轻压的方式涂抹,擦后效果上眼圈的很明显的,等小瑕疵。看不到了,感觉还提着自然的,看起来没有这个光泽厚重,就是脸上擦了霜的霜。就很明显这个,平时喜欢画淡妆,个人觉得底妆直接就可以了。擦完画上淡妆,直接不用美颜哦

Top ten best bb cream ranking

1、MISSHA 谜尚 魅力红BB霜 SPF42 PA+++ 50毫升

2、Dr.Jart+ 第三代经典银色BB霜 40毫升

3. Maybelline Maybelline Giant Concealer bb cream 30ml/piece


5. KOSE FASIO Zero Shine Zero Blemish High-holding Makeup Moisturizing Sunscreen BB Cream 30g

6、It'S SKIN 伊思 完美活肤逆时空晶钻蜗牛BB霜

7、FAU 再生修复BB霜

8. NatureRepublic Pure Shining Concealer BB Cream


10. L'OCCITANE Immortelle Revitalizing BB Cream




2. Go to the counter to try



Is bb cream a moisturizer or a concealer? Choose the right one according to your own situation, otherwise, your skin will become worse and worse. Personal advice, dry skin is best to choose moisturizer.






The bb cream is the same as other cosmetics. The texture is good or not. You will know if you use it. First, pat the bb cream on the back of your hand, and then take a look. Don’t buy the floating powder. If you buy it, you will regret it. Right!


The extension of a good bb cream is also good, so you need to pay special attention when you choose. The method is still the same. If you pat it on the back of your hand, there will be a lot of trial equipment in the counter. You can use it to feel it.