pba肌能修护精华质地如何 pba肌能修护精华的作用

2021-08-20  作者: zhao
pba肌能修护精华质地如何 pba肌能修护精华的作用。pba肌能修护精华瓶子不大,但是它的作用是根据肤质来分类的,所以有四个类型介意选择,那么pba肌能修护精华质地如何呢,下面来看看吧。pba肌能修护精华质地如何 PBA肌能修护精华,也就是大家常说的“PBA小怪兽”,根据不同肤质分4种,科技感十...


How is the texture of pba muscle repair essence


pba肌能修护精华质地如何 pba肌能修护精华的作用


The hydrolyzed royal jelly protein imported from Japan in it can repair the epidermal barrier and smooth our skin. The main ingredient of this product is hydrolyzed royal jelly protein to promote collagen regeneration. Seasonal skin is more sensitive, you can use this PBA essence to repair and moisturize, it is necessary to gently restore the girl's skin.


The texture of this essence is super refreshing, and it eliminates a lot of closed mouth. Repair essence is really important. This essence is also selected according to skin type. Usually the skin is prone to dryness and peeling, so I chose this No. 1 for dry skin. It has a moisturizing texture and is easy to apply. Very delicate and silky. The skin is prone to allergies to choose it, it can form a good barrier for the skin.

