世界上水量前十的河流排行榜 亚马孙河流量最大_排行榜123网

2021-07-05  作者: 
世界上水量前十的河流排行榜 亚马孙河流量最大_排行榜123网。 Since ancient times, the river has been the main activity place for human beings to live and multiply. It is...

Since ancient times, the river has been the main activity place for human beings to live and multiply. It is regarded as the source of life and the cradle of human civilization. The amount of water in each river is different, some are abundant, some are lacking, and rivers with abundance of water give the feeling of being majestic. The editor below has prepared a ranking of the top ten rivers in the world in terms of water volume. Let’s take a look.



世界上水量前十的河流排行榜 亚马孙河


亚马逊河是世界上水量最大、流域最宽的河流。全长6400公里,仅次于尼罗河,世界第二长河,流域面积705万平方公​​里。据估计,地球表面流动的所有水的大约 20-25% 都在亚马逊河中。河口宽240公里,洪水期流速为每秒18万立方米,是密西西比河的10倍。河口年平均流量12万立方米每秒。渗出量如此之大,以至于离岸边 160 公里范围内的海水都被淡化了。


